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The American Women's Club of Brussels

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The AWCB is our home away from home.  With our many social, cultural and philanthropical events and activities AWCB provides the ability to connect with other Americans, and those who share the American spirit; our club is also not just for women, we also have several male members too!   It is also our portal to discovering and re-discovering our beautiful host country, Belgium, and giving back to the community here. 

Our broad range of events and activities offers something for everyone: cultural activities such as visits to museums and art galleries, social coffees, lunches and dinners, wine tastings, charity projects, cooking and pastry classes, jewelry making classes, crafting fun, historical walks and excursions, book reading club, family friendly events, and more.  To see our events on offer, see our Club calendar

As many of our members also work, we offer events at many different times: during the daytime, week nights and weekends.  Become a member and be part of this vibrant and fun support network while we all navigate life in Belgium together!

Current Members - Refer a Friend

Current members who refer a new member to the club between now and the end of the year and receive 10,00 euros to use towards an AWCB Event or your upcoming membership renewal.  There has never been a better time to invite your friends and colleagues to join the AWCB and take advantage of everything our wonderful community offers. 

Note: The credit will be applied to your AWCB account after the new member has paid in full.  Please make sure the new member references you when they apply for membership and you can also email with names of people you refer.

Current Members - Refer a Sponsor

Refer a new Sponsor to the club between now and the end of the year and receive 15,00 euros to use towards an AWCB Event or your upcoming membership renewal. Being a sponsor of the AWCB provides great value and a way to connect to our vibrant multi-cultural membership who reside in and around Brussels.  

Annual sponsorship fees for non-members is 300 Euros.  For members, its a combined sponsorship & membership fee of 250 Euros a year; see full details here:

Note: The credit will be applied to your AWCB account after the new sponsor has paid in full.  Please make sure the new member references you when they apply for sponsorship and you can also email with names of people you refer.

2023 Membership Dues

Individual Members

For individuals living in Belgium, or wishing to take full advantage of the full AWCB Membership.

    • 100€  per year, renewing annually on the join date.

Sign up online

Alumni Members

For individuals living outside of Belgium who wish to remain active in the AWCB Community.

  • 60€  per year, renewing annually on the join date.

Sign up online

AWCB Sponsors

Companies and organizations who support the AWCB, our activities and charities.

  • One year - 300€ for Non-members and 150 for Members
  • 3 months - 125 for Non-members and 70 for Members

Find out more

Who can join the AWCB?

  • American citizens and/or their spouses, as well as descendants of American citizens
  • Anyone with a good knowledge of the English language who wants to share in the American spirit!

If you meet any of these criteria, complete our application and let the fun begin!

Benefits for Members: 

Membership in AWCB provides a number of special benefits: 

  • Very broad variety of cultural, social and philanthropical events and activities in the Brussels region for women, men and families
  • One of the few social clubs in Belgium offering events and activities not just during the weekdays, but also during week nights and weekends; something for everyone! 
  • Preferential member pricing to events and activities 
  • Ability to invite a guest/s at the member price to many events and activities 
  • Free membership in FAWCO, click here to learn more about the amazing benefits available to you through this amazing organization
  • Access to events at partner clubs we actively collaborate with:  International Study Group (ISG), Womens International Club (WIC), American Club of Brussels (ACB), American Women's Club of Antwerp (AWCA)  
  • Access to events at exclusive locations around Brussels including the members only Prince Albert Club and The Nine

American Women’s Club of Brussels

Mailing Address:
Avenue Louise 489 /7A
1050 Bruxelles

(Please note the AWCB no longer has a physical address)

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