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The American Women's Club of Brussels

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FAWCO Solar Cooking with Solar Cookers International

  • 11 Oct 2023
  • 19:00 - 20:30
  • Zoom

Solar Cooking with Solar Cookers International

Approximately 1 in 3 people today lack modern fuel to cook food. Solar cooking is a solution for relieving cooking energy poverty. Solar cookers transform sunlight into heat energy, which is retained for cooking. With solar cooking, women (and the children they care for) breathe cleaner air, trees are preserved, households save money for food and education, the incidence of accidental burns decreases and cases of gender-based violence can be reduced. Solar Cookers International (SCI) is the world’s leading advocate and resource for solar cooking solutions. SCI links collaborators in communities, NGOs, and agencies in 135+ countries. The mission of SCI is to improve human health, economic well-being, women’s empowerment, and the environment by promoting climate-friendly solar cooking for vulnerable populations worldwide. SCI will present some of their projects and the benefits of the solar cook stove, followed by a question and answer period.

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American Women’s Club of Brussels

Mailing Address:
Avenue Louise 489 /7A
1050 Bruxelles

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