Back by popular demand! Join us for an interactive and informational session about the Chinese approach to holistic wellness with our sponsor Ya Qian of Acuherb at Brussel's beautiful and exclusive female focused club, The Nine.
Acuherb is committed to improve your physical and mental condition by means of Fascia therapy, Acupuncture, Frequency Specific Microcurrent therapy and other traditional Chinese methods such as meditation and breathing techniques. Ya will deliver a presentation on overall wellness and explain how Acuherb can help you achieve this. She will also take questions and do some live demonstrations for volunteers with issues they are having.
Join us for lunch at The Nine beforehand by registering separately for that event, which is listed here:
American Women’s Club of Brussels
Mailing Address:Avenue Louise 489 /7A1050 BruxellesBelgium
(Please note the AWCB no longer has a physical address)
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