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The American Women's Club of Brussels

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Ladies Night Out

  • 30 Mar 2023
  • 19:00
  • Zonienwouldlaan 359, 1640 Rhode-Saint-Genèse


Registration is closed

 Yiiangnan, is a hidden gem located only minutes away from our former Clubhouse in Rhode Saint-Genese. It's a family run restaurant that specializes in fine Asian cuisine. Founder's Day is April 5th. Let's have a pre-founder's day celebration.

Take a look at the menu:

For tables of 4 or more guests, the restaurant asks that diners limit their orders to 4 entree choices and 4 main dish choices per table.  

Please email and advise which entrée and or main dish you would like to order before 3/28.


Steamed Dim Sum with six flavors.                                                      17€

Dim Sum à la vaoeyr aux sux saveurs                                              


Duo of pan-fried Dim Sum (prawns and veal)                                   18€

Duo de Dim Sum poêles (gambas et veau)  

Grilled chicken satay with lemongrass                                            16€

Satay de poulet fermier grillè à la citronelle

Hot crunchy rolls with shrimp, mint and cilantro                        17€

Rouleaux croquants chauds aux gambas, menthe et coriandre


Hot crunchy rolls with vegetables                                                    15€

Rouleaux croquants chauds aux légumes

Tempura of large shrimp with sweet and sour sauce                 19€

Tempura de grosses crevette à l'aigre-doux

Main Dishes:

 Large shrimp with yellow curry                                                             27€

 Grosses crevettes au curry jaune

Chicken supreme corn with yellow curry                                             24€

Suprême de poulet maïs au curry jaune

Chicken supreme corn with pineapple                                                 24€

Suprême de poulet maïs aux ananas

Fried rice with chicken and small vegetables                                   27€

Riz sauté au poulet et petits légumes

Entrecote steak with red curry in marmite                                       28€

Noix d'entrecôte au curry rouge en marmite

Rib eye steak with Mei Kuei Lu rice sausage and black beans      28€

Noix d'entrecôte, saucisse à l'alcool de riz Mei Kuei Lu, haricots noirs

Caramelized pork tenderloin with sesame seeds                             24€

Filet pur de porc caramélise et sésame

Beef cutlet with garlic, coriander on jasmine rice, hot stone bowl    28€

Onglet de boeuf en morceaux à l'ail, coriandre sur riz au jasmin, bol en pierre chaude

Scallops on risotto, green curry, coconut milk                                     28€

St.-Jacques sur risotto, curry vert, lait de coco

Fillet of turbot, large shrimp, asparagus, ginger, small onions in   marmite 28€

Filet de turbot, grosses crevette, asperges, gingembre, petit oignons en marmite

Duck breast with red curry in marmite                                                28€

Magret de canard  au curry rouge en marmite

Duck breast with peking sauce and fine pancakes                        28€

Magret de canard à la pékinoise et ses fines crêpes

Magret de canard grillé aux petits légumes, sauce aigre-douce     27€

Grilled duck breast with small vegetables, sweet and sour sauce

Duck breast with asparagus, small vegetables, small onions, ginger

Magret de canard asperges, petits légumes, petits oignons, gingembre


Limited to 10 guests

American Women’s Club of Brussels

Mailing Address:
Avenue Louise 489 /7A
1050 Bruxelles

(Please note the AWCB no longer has a physical address)

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