We will join Terre Mieli Cieli for their annual blind tasting of sparkling wines from all over the world that pits Champagne against some ofthe best of the rest.
Just in time for the holidays, Brandon Mitchener will repeat his annual "Battle of the Bubbles" to pair off a few good Champagnes against a few good Bubbles-That-Must-Not-Be-Called-Champagnes.
This blind tasting will feature eight sparkling wines, most made in the same traditional method as Champagne, but from a few places you might not expect to make great sparkling wines. To keep things fair and fun, Brandon will cover the labels up-front and ask you to rate each as we go and then and only then will I unveil each wine after you've tasted it.
The wine will be paired with plenty of good, healthy food to accompany the wine.
Price The tasting and dinner costs 55 euros but AWCB members can get a 5 Euros discount for the event by using the discount code: ACBMEMBER
the Alice Restaurant and Cocktail Bar on Avenue Louise
CancellationsIf you need to cancel for COVID or any other reason, Terre Mieli Cieli offers full refunds up to 2 days in advance and 50% the day before the event, minus Eventbrite's fee, which is non-refundable.
American Women’s Club of Brussels
Mailing Address:Avenue Louise 489 /7A1050 BruxellesBelgium
(Please note the AWCB no longer has a physical address)
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