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The American Women's Club of Brussels

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Visit of Tongeren and The Castle Winery of Genoels-Elderen

  • 02 Jun 2022
  • 09:00 - 19:00

Join this WIC Partner Event
Come and join us for a Visit of Tongeren and The Castle Winery of Genoels-Elderen

Hosted by the Women's International Club of Brussels

When : Thursday 2 June 2022
Departure at 08.15 Waterloo Drève Richelle, parking Carrefour
09.00 Kraainem parking Brico, Av. de Wezembeek 114


Price: €55 this price includes entrances, guided visits and lunch


The Programme:

10.30 to 12.00 Visit of Gallo-Roman Museum
Discover the fascinating story of mankind in our region, from prehistoric times to the end of the Roman age. Neanderthals, the first farmers, Celts, Gallo-Romans and Germanic tribes: they all left their mark.

Travel through time

The museum displays over 2000 objects, including many masterpieces, in a contemporary presentation that reveals their full beauty. Films, models and lifelike figures in synthetic resin also transport you to those bygone times.

One thing is certain: a visit to this exhibition is bound to inspire an enduring passion for the distant past. And you’ll probably see the present with new eyes, too.

12.30 to 14.00 Lunch in the city

15.00 to 17.00 Visit of Castle Winery
With its 25 hectares of vineyards , it is the largest wine domain in the country

  • You will be guided around the park, the vineyards, the cellars the distillery and the press house.
  • You will be able to taste their wine and buy if you so desire

17.30 Departure and arrival at 19.00 in Brussels 19.30 Waterloo



Interested? Book by mail before 15 May with or phone 0477439795

Your Payment will confirm your booking.

Tours account: BE 63 7350 3534 8808

American Women’s Club of Brussels

Mailing Address:
Avenue Louise 489 /7A
1050 Bruxelles

(Please note the AWCB no longer has a physical address)

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