Interactive Science Museum Adventure @ Technopolis
A place to discover science, technology and the wonders of the world. Great for all ages! Children who are aged 4 - 11 are free!
The museum is open from 10:30am - 6pm so feel free to explore the museum whenever you wish that day, and we will meet together for a coffee and/or lunch in their cafeteria at 12:00. Once we know who is attending we will be in touch a few days in advance to see if anyone wants to visit together and/or car pool, etc.
We are only charging 3 Euros per person now to secure people's places and once we have the full registered list, we will settle up with people on the costs.
€21/adult, €16.50/kids 4-11, Free/ Kids 0-3, €19.50/seniors
We can get a group discount if we have more than 15 people, so we would like to ask for pre-RSVP as soon as possible so we can order group tickets if possible.
American Women’s Club of Brussels
Mailing Address:Avenue Louise 489 /7A1050 BruxellesBelgium
(Please note the AWCB no longer has a physical address)
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