Join the American Drama Group of Europe who will be presenting "Hamlet". The production skillfully blends the radically different quarto and folio versions and aims to illuminate the world’s most fascinating theatre text rather than impose some superficial interpretation. It's also enhanced by Thomas Johnson’s powerful music, sung and played by the actors and interwoven with the text in the manner of a film score.
This revival tours castles and palaces across Europe, offering audiences a unique opportunity to get to grips with the greatest story ever told.
TIMES : There is a first viewing that starts at 14:00 and a second that starts at 18:00.
TICKETS : In order to purchase tickets for the viewing at 14:00 please click here and in order to purchase tickets for 18:00 please click here.
FOR MORE INFORMATION : please visit their website or contact them by email via
P.S. The performance will take place outside under all weather conditions so dress accordingly.
American Women’s Club of Brussels
Mailing Address:Avenue Louise 489 /7A1050 BruxellesBelgium
(Please note the AWCB no longer has a physical address)
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