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The American Women's Club of Brussels

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Lunch & Museum visit at the Folon Foundation

  • 09 Sep 2021
  • 10:50
  • Drève De La Ramée 6a Ferme Du Château De La Hulpe - 1310 LA HULPE
  • 7


Registration is no longer possible - looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!  


Museum visit and lunch at the:

FOUNDATION FOLON - September 9, 2021

Join the AWCB for a visit to the wonderful, immersive museum of Jean-Michel Folon's dreamlike art, followed by lunch at the attached restaurant, Tavern de L'Homme Bleue
Museum entry tickets to be paid at the desk. Prices are adults 15 euros, seniors 11 euros (other discounts exist - teachers, students, etc.). This is for a combination ticket; permanent and temporary exhibitions.

Address: Drève De La Ramée 6a Ferme Du Château De La Hulpe - 1310

Museum visit: Arrival at museum (in front of entrance) at 10:50, entry at 11:00
Lunch:  12:45 at the Taverne De L'Homme Bleu (across from the museum). Lunch is à la carte and not included in the ticket price.

Museum entry tickets to be paid at the desk. Prices are adults 15 euros, seniors 11 euros (other discounts exist - teachers, students, etc.).
This is for a combination ticket; permanent and temporary exhibitions.

Address: Drève De La Ramée 6a Ferme Du Château De La Hulpe - 1310 LA HULPE
Pass the front entrance of the Chateau de la Hulpe on the Ch. de Bruxelles in La Hulpe and turn right onto the N253. Then turn right at Chemin de Gaillemarde, then right onto Drêve de la Rammée. Free parking is at the end of Drêve de la Rammée. The museum is a short walk from the parking, straight past the ponds, inside the courtyard on your left.

Limited to 15 people. Non-members are invited but we ask a 3 euro donation to the AWCB.

American Women’s Club of Brussels

Mailing Address:
Avenue Louise 489 /7A
1050 Bruxelles

(Please note the AWCB no longer has a physical address)

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