Hosted by the German Marshall Fund (GMF) of the United States with the following speakers in the panel:
Maintaining peace and stability in Europe has been the central tenet of the transatlantic relationship for the past century. In recent years, closer scrutiny of defense capabilities and burden sharing has complicated the picture. Today, rapid technological advancements are increasingly blurring the lines between war and peace. Future of War and the Defence of Europe challenges the foundational assumptions on which European defense structures are built and the role of the transatlantic alliance in upholding them. How can Europe bolster its defense and prepare for the future of warfare? Join us for a Books@GMFdiscussion on the future of European defense.
For a 30% discount, purchase your copy of Future of War and the Defence of Europe fromOxford University Press with the code ASFLYQ6. (Its not necessary to have the book to join this event)
If you have any questions, please contact William Stewart-Wood at
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