Belgium has been hiding a treasure for 600 years : the library of the Duke of Burgundy is one of the finest manuscript collections of its time.
Six centuries ago, Brussels belonged to the rich and powerful Dukes of Burgundy. The Dukes were skilled politicians and cultured patrons, and established one of the most prestigious manuscript collections in the world, a unique treasure.
The collection is started by Philip the Bold (1342-1404). After the death of Charles the Bold in 1477, the ducal library consists of more than 900 manuscripts, of which a third is preserved at KBR today.
At the intersection of medieval and modern times, this “Library” covers all areas of science and contains very important texts from medieval literature. It is one of the largest libraries of its time, together with the library of the French kings, the Medici and the Vatican Library. The manuscripts are illuminated by some of the best miniaturists of the 15th century, of whom were arguably just as famous as Jan Van Eyck.
The collection will be introduced and guided by cultural guide Yolande d'Yves. Yolande has been a passionate tour guide for 27 years, guiding diverse exhibitions in Belgium and Europe for adults and children including exhibits at La BRAFA, La TEFAF de Maastricht, Musée de la Bande Dessinée, Le Palais de Justice de Bruxelles, Africa Museum, and many more. She is an art historian and speaks French, English, Italian and Dutch.
5 people max per visit
American Women’s Club of Brussels
Mailing Address:Avenue Louise 489 /7A1050 BruxellesBelgium
(Please note the AWCB no longer has a physical address)
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