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The American Women's Club of Brussels

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Canceled - Halloween Trunk-n-Treat (covid restrictions)

  • 31 Oct 2020
  • 15:00 - 17:00
  • AWCB Clubhouse in Rhode-St-Genese
  • 43


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:


We are sorry to cancel this event. Owing to Covid restrictions, the commune of Rhode St. Genese has informed us that this kind of activity is not allowed.

Halloween Trunk-n-Treat for families

Ghouls and goblins will be coming your way on Saturday, 31 October, from 15:00 - 17:00.

Come with your car decorated and ready to give out sweets -- or just bring the kids in costume to gather some Halloween candy. We will have a contest to guess the weight of a pumpkin and a hunt for spooky items, both with prizes! 

Attendance is EUR 5 per child. The price includes candy and prizes.

All proceeds to benefit our Angel Tree Project.

If you are unable to join us but wish to donate to the Angel Tree Project, donations can be made online, via bank transfer to BE79 2100 3159 1033 noting your name and "Halloween Sponsor" - Thanks for your generosity!

Are you an ace at decorating for Halloween? Can you volunteer a bit of time with your spooky trunk? We need you! When registering, please let us know if you can be there.

This Trunk-n-Treat takes into account covid restrictions.

Everything is outdoor -- rain or shine. Only decorated cars (and we need you!) will be on the parking lot. Foot traffic will be one-way, winding through the decorated trunks. Kids can grab individual sachets of candy while ghouls look on from a distance.

Until 20 October, registration is limited to members and their guests. After that date, registration will be opened to the public.

Exact address will be sent with your registration confirmation.

American Women’s Club of Brussels

Mailing Address:
Avenue Louise 489 /7A
1050 Bruxelles

(Please note the AWCB no longer has a physical address)

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