A 3-hour class for novices onwards who want to increase their ability to catch great photos.
Learn simple but essential tips for capturing great shots of family and friends, travel destinations, sports and more. Suitable for almost any kind of camera, from compact to digital SLR.
About Trevor: Trevor offers various activities this season to help with your new year photography needs. He’s a professional travel and portrait photographer who also has a strong background in coaching and leading photography workshops and tours.
The class includes a 30 minute break for lunch.
Payment details: Bank transfer to the account of International Images - 310-1260919-05 (IBAN: BE96 3101 2609 1905; BICC/Swift BBRUBEBB). Refunds for cancellations up to 1 week before the class, or illness, etc. Contact Trevor if any problems encountered.
Visit http://www.trevorwaldron.com for more info or contact Trevor at info@trevorwaldron.com or 0473 707 202.