Come join Sinziana and learn the secrets of how to do a relaxing head and face massage.
Head massage is incredibly relaxing especially after a tiring day. It is a wonderful gift you can give to yourself, your best friend or even pet. It increases the blood circulation to the scalp thus strengthening the hair roots and preventing hair loss. It can contribute to headache relief and better sleep. Besides it helps concentration and works amazingly against stress.
The face massage is the most effective way of preventing and reducing wrinkles. It is relaxing and can prevent head aches.
During this practical workshop you will:
* learn how to do a head & face massage
* receive one or more head massages
* practice so that you understand correctly the movements
* Receive handouts on step by step process
* enjoy an ayurvedic infusion
Sinziana is a naturopath has conducted workshops/trips in Brussels, Toronto, & India. She started studying Ayurveda in 2014 and currently holds a diploma in Ayurvedic nutrition and therapy.
For more information, you can reach Sinziana at
American Women’s Club of Brussels
Mailing Address:Avenue Louise 489 /7A1050 BruxellesBelgium
(Please note the AWCB no longer has a physical address)
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