Never leave a door unopened (the title of Tharien’s presentation and her life motto)
On March 21st AWCB Members had a presentation from Dr. Tharien van Eck. The intensity with which Tharien described her experiences and feelings in life was very touching. She showed us photos of her family and different stages of her life.
She spoke to us about her childhood growing up in South Africa and the impact that her parents had in her life. They encouraged her to be anything she wanted to be.
She spoke about times that were very challenging and how she never gave up.

In the late 1980’s Although she never got to meet Nelson Mandela, Tharien was in charge of giving a daily report on Nelson Mandela’s medical condition in Cape Town. He was someone she really admired and would of liked to meet.
She also talked about meeting Desmond Tutu.
In May 2004 she relocated to Antwerp with her husband and children to become the Medical director for Johnson & Johnson. The move was a big adjustment for the family. She traveled to many countries and had many new experiences which have given many wonderful memories.
After retiring in 2017 she joined the AWCA and in 2019 became the Fawco Target Program Chair.
The highlights of her career are the times she supported the South African government with Nelson Mandela and being the Fawco Target Program Chair.
She’s very proud of her husband and children and is grateful for all of their support.